From my first training, I was fascinated by liposculpture and decided to improve myself in this field by studying in different colleagues and techniques.
The vibroliposculpture with Lipomatic and the hydrotomy of Klein, give us a much more comprehensive approach to the problems of lipodystrophy, deforming the figure of our patients. I use vibroliposculpture, also called Infrasonic Nutational Liposculpture since 1997. It remains my preferred technique today. It was introduced in the United States in 2010 under the name of Tickle Lipo !
Since 1997, when I first used the Lipomatic, I have been convinced that this technique would eventually allow me to treat cellulite durably. By the end of 2014, after years of research, I developed a new cannula that enables me to work with great precision in the last level of the fatty layer. This 2mm cannula is perforated with 6 holes of 1mm. In combination with the Lipomatic, it allows to safely treat the area responsible for the orange peel appearance of the skin. This represents a real breakthrough in the field of liposculpture.
I usually perform liposculpture under local anaesthesia with conscious sedation. This allows us to improve patient comfort while maintaining muscle tone, which is essential for the sculpture of natural curves.
The technique is ambulatory and takes place in an operating room exclusively dedicated to aesthetic procedures in a private clinic, which helps prevent infection due to nosocomial multi-resistant germs.
Important preliminary remark: Photographic examples below only represent additional information about the technique. Dr. Houyoux performed all the procedures. Obviously, these pictures are unaltered and 100% authentic. Patients have all explicitly given their consent to Dr. Houyoux for the use of their photos. Those illustrations cannot be considered as a guarantee of results, as each case must be discussed individually.
When used properly liposculpture can reduce the occurrence of bruises and minimize the discomfort of the postoperative period.
It allows a real sculpture of notoriously difficult areas like the lower buttocks.
Even taboo zones like the central area of the buttocks can be treated.
It improves the retraction of the skin, even after menopause when it has lost its natural elasticity.
Finally, if liposculpture is not a treatment for obesity in the absence of diet, it can contribute, in association with a healthy diet, to obtain a figure that might improve the well being of our patients
The pictures here after show results obtained solely by using the « Houyoux cannula » (2.5mm diameter)
With this new technique and its properties, we could expand the indications of liposculpture and improve the results in areas such as facial contours
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