More information about Liposculpture
Principle and indications
The doctor inserts a fine cannula under the skin through tiny incisions (3 to 5 mm) in order to destroy and suck up the fat cells (steatoma) often responsible for unsightly deformation of the figure.
The size and location of these steatoma depends on various factors: heredity, diet, physical inactivity, blood circulation or hormonal status (puberty, pregnancy, menopause).
Liposculpture allows a correction of the figure. But it cannot be assimilated to a treatment of obesity.
It can help in combination with a well balanced diet to reduce fat in area that cannot be treated with a regular diet. But the goal of liposculpture should not be to lose weight dramatically.
In the same way, it should not be considered as a treatment for cellulite. Although an improvement of this condition can occasionally be observed after liposculpture, due to the decongestion of the affected area. Other techniques seem to be more appropriate to tackle this problem (lymphatic drainage, mesotherapy, electrolipolysis, Cellu M6, Lipocavitron).
Liposculpture can treat almost every zone of the body; hips, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, inner thighs, knees, ankles, arms and chin area.
– Obesity with lack of an healthy diet
– General health problems: heart, lungs, liver conditions, diabetes, disorder of blood coagulation, severe unbalanced hypertension, ongoing infection…
– Bad skin texture, for certain techniques
– Allergy to lidocaine (local anaesthetic)
– Psychic Instability
Disadvantages and complications
Progresses made in liposculpture, including the introduction of Lipomatic have greatly reduced the unwanted effects. However, these cannot be formally excluded.
Working conditions must be absolutely rigorous: preoperative preparations with electrocardiogram and blood analysis (if necessary). During the intervention, use surgical drapes and patient monitoring by an assistant.
Regardless of the technique, the following disadvantages might occur:
– During surgery, drop in blood pressure
– Post-operative bruising and oedema
– Bruises and serosity
– Feeling disorders of certain skin areas
– Discomfort or pain for two or three days
– Skin pigmentation phenomenon after a large hematoma
– Post-operative infection
– Unlevelled skin aspect, skin depressions, under or over-correction
Any injection or oral intake of medication can cause a major allergic reaction with drop in blood pressure, laryngeal oedema that can cause death in the absence of appropriate treatment. Therefore we make sure to take every precautions needed during the surgical procedure.
The occurrence of these complications depends on several factors such as: quality of the medical staff, initial condition of the patient and type of technique used.
The various types of anaesthesia
General anaesthesia
This type of anaesthesia is not needed for liposculpture, because it causes a muscular hypotonia, which makes it impossible to sculpt the treated areas.
Local anaesthesia
Local anaesthesia of the treated areas in association with the injection of analgesics medication seems the more appropriate technique, and is the one our team uses. It indeed allows a good cooperation of the patient during surgery. This enables a perfect sculpture of the treated areas since the patient can contract the underlying muscles of each area.
This option provides great comfort and safety during the procedure. Conscious sedation makes the procedure even more comfortable for the patient.
The various techniques of liposculpture
Classic lipoaspiration
It combines a back and forth movement of the cannula, manually operated by the surgeon, with a mechanical vacuum suction.
Old-fashioned technique, it is still used by many experienced surgeons. Nevertheless, it is now been overtaken by new technologies that are less traumatic for the tissues and have broader indications.
Lipoaspiration with a syringe or lipojet
It allows the treatment of tiny zones for patients who have a good skin quality. It is cheaper but remains a backup technique.
Ultrasonic liposculpture
The introduction of ultrasounds provoked a revolution. Indeed, it has broadened the indications, while improving the final result and significantly reducing the side effects. It is at this point that liposuction became liposculpture.
Ultrasounds enabled to selectively destroy the adipocytes (fat cells) through a cavitation effect, while respecting the tissues (vessels, nerves).
The lift effect obtained with this technique helps to treat patients with lower quality of skin.
This technique has definitely overtaken ultrasonic liposculpture, and is nowadays the only one worth using.
A pneumatic hand piece allows the cannula to move back and forth much faster (600/min). Using this new tool, we have seen an improvement in the consistency of work, also it increases the comfort for the patient and shortens the intervention duration while maintaining the advantages already known with ultrasonic liposculpture.
Liposculpture is the most performed operation in the world.
In the hands of an experienced team, it delivers spectacular results
when adequately used. The risks are minimal when monitoring and
sterilisation conditions are properly met.
This ambulatory procedure allows a fast return to professional and private activities.
In my opinion, comprehensive information and respect of the patient request are essential for this intervention success.